This is a wrapper around aggregate function in base R to obtain mean, median, standard deviation and count for quantitative variable(s) grouped by one or more factors. More than one column containing of quantitative variables can be passed on, and summaries for each is provided with column names with a ..

table_summary(data, Ycol, ByGroup)



name of the data table.


name of one column (in quotes) or a vector of column names containing the numerical variable to be summarised.


name of one column (in quotes) or a vector of column names containing the grouping factors


this function takes in a data.frame or tibble and returns a data.frame or tibble.


table_summary(Ycol = "cty",
ByGroup = c("fl", "drv"),
data = mpg)
#>    fl drv  cty.Mean cty.Median    cty.SD cty.Count
#> 1   d   4 15.500000       15.5 2.1213203         2
#> 2   e   4  9.333333        9.0 0.8164966         6
#> 3   p   4 16.000000       16.5 2.9735678        20
#> 4   r   4 14.253333       14.0 2.4883150        75
#> 5   c   f 24.000000       24.0        NA         1
#> 6   d   f 32.333333       33.0 3.0550505         3
#> 7   e   f 11.000000       11.0        NA         1
#> 8   p   f 19.240000       19.0 2.1071308        25
#> 9   r   f 19.789474       19.0 3.0213277        76
#> 10  e   r 11.000000       11.0        NA         1
#> 11  p   r 14.571429       15.0 1.7182494         7
#> 12  r   r 14.058824       14.0 2.3577157        17