One of four related functions for mixed effects analyses (based on lmer and as_lmerModLmerTest) to get a linear model for downstream steps, or an ANOVA table.

  1. mixed_model

  2. mixed_anova

  3. mixed_model_slopes

  4. mixed_anova_slopes.

mixed_model(data, Y_value, Fixed_Factor, Random_Factor, ...)



a data table object, e.g. data.frame or tibble.


name of column containing quantitative (dependent) variable, provided within "quotes".


name(s) of categorical fixed factors (independent variables) provided as a vector if more than one or within "quotes".


name(s) of random factors to allow random intercepts; to be provided as a vector when more than one or within "quotes".


any additional arguments to pass on to lmer if required.


This function returns an S4 object of class "lmerModLmerTest".


These functions require a data table, one dependent variable (Y_value), one or more independent variables (Fixed_Factor), and at least one random factor (Random_Factor). These should match names of variables in the long-format data table exactly.

Outputs of mixed_model and mixed_model_slopes can be used for post-hoc comparisons with posthoc_Pairwise, posthoc_Levelwise, posthoc_vsRef, posthoc_Trends_Pairwise, posthoc_Trends_Levelwise and posthoc_Trends_vsRefor with emmeans.

More than one fixed factors can be provided as a vector (e.g. c("A", "B")). A full model with interaction term is fitted. This means when Y_value = Y, Fixed_factor = c("A", "B"), Random_factor = "R" are entered as arguments, these are passed on as Y ~ A*B + (1|R) (which is equivalent to Y ~ A + B + A:B + (1|R)).

In mixed_model_slopes and mixed_anova_slopes, the following kind of formula is used: Y ~ A*B + (S|R) (which is equivalent to Y ~ A + B + A:B + (S|R)). In this experimental implementation, random slopes and intercepts are fitted ((Slopes_Factor|Random_Factor)). Only one term each is allowed for Slopes_Factor and Random_Factor.


#one fixed factor and random factor
mixed_model(data = data_doubling_time, 
Y_value = "Doubling_time", 
Fixed_Factor = "Student", 
Random_Factor = "Experiment")
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerModLmerTest']
#> Formula: Doubling_time ~ Student + (1 | Experiment)
#>    Data: data_doubling_time
#> REML criterion at convergence: 95.2499
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups     Name        Std.Dev.
#>  Experiment (Intercept) 0.000   
#>  Residual               1.989   
#> Number of obs: 30, groups:  Experiment, 3
#> Fixed Effects:
#> (Intercept)     StudentB     StudentC     StudentD     StudentE     StudentF  
#>     19.9619      -0.3713      -0.5929      -1.1728      -0.6286       0.7416  
#>    StudentG     StudentH     StudentI     StudentJ  
#>      0.4885      -0.8083       0.6775       1.2115  
#> optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings 

#two fixed factors as a vector, one random factor
mixed_model(data = data_cholesterol, 
Y_value = "Cholesterol", 
Fixed_Factor = c("Treatment", "Hospital"), 
Random_Factor = "Subject")
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerModLmerTest']
#> Formula: Cholesterol ~ Treatment * Hospital + (1 | Subject)
#>    Data: data_cholesterol
#> REML criterion at convergence: 376.5107
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Std.Dev.
#>  Subject  (Intercept) 51.756  
#>  Residual              6.524  
#> Number of obs: 50, groups:  Subject, 25
#> Fixed Effects:
#>                         (Intercept)                 TreatmentBefore_drug  
#>                             147.011                               26.165  
#>                      HospitalHosp_b                       HospitalHosp_c  
#>                              -4.587                              -42.004  
#>                      HospitalHosp_d                       HospitalHosp_e  
#>                              15.770                               15.432  
#> TreatmentBefore_drug:HospitalHosp_b  TreatmentBefore_drug:HospitalHosp_c  
#>                              -8.075                               -7.001  
#> TreatmentBefore_drug:HospitalHosp_d  TreatmentBefore_drug:HospitalHosp_e  
#>                             -27.202                              -25.803  

#save model
model <- mixed_model(data = data_doubling_time, 
Y_value =  "Doubling_time", 
Fixed_Factor = "Student", 
Random_Factor = "Experiment")
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')

#get model summary
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
#> lmerModLmerTest]
#> Formula: Doubling_time ~ Student + (1 | Experiment)
#>    Data: data_doubling_time
#> REML criterion at convergence: 95.2
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -1.94563 -0.40680 -0.04097  0.42601  1.45893 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups     Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  Experiment (Intercept) 0.000    0.000   
#>  Residual               3.956    1.989   
#> Number of obs: 30, groups:  Experiment, 3
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error      df t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)  19.9619     1.1484 20.0000  17.383 1.54e-13 ***
#> StudentB     -0.3713     1.6241 20.0000  -0.229    0.821    
#> StudentC     -0.5929     1.6241 20.0000  -0.365    0.719    
#> StudentD     -1.1728     1.6241 20.0000  -0.722    0.479    
#> StudentE     -0.6286     1.6241 20.0000  -0.387    0.703    
#> StudentF      0.7416     1.6241 20.0000   0.457    0.653    
#> StudentG      0.4885     1.6241 20.0000   0.301    0.767    
#> StudentH     -0.8083     1.6241 20.0000  -0.498    0.624    
#> StudentI      0.6775     1.6241 20.0000   0.417    0.681    
#> StudentJ      1.2115     1.6241 20.0000   0.746    0.464    
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>          (Intr) StdntB StdntC StdntD StdntE StdntF StdntG StdntH StdntI
#> StudentB -0.707                                                        
#> StudentC -0.707  0.500                                                 
#> StudentD -0.707  0.500  0.500                                          
#> StudentE -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500                                   
#> StudentF -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500                            
#> StudentG -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500                     
#> StudentH -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500              
#> StudentI -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500       
#> StudentJ -0.707  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500  0.500
#> optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')